Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dave Eggers: Not So Great

IF Dave Eggers of the McSweeney's Gang were as great a writer and person as his p.r. makes him out to be, he'd rebuke Tom Bissell for Bissell's Believer Books smear-attack essay on the Underground Literary Alliance, which is filled with inaccuracies and dishonesty. ("--lots and lots of tombstones.") He'd apologize for the essay's republication, which Eggers had to have authorized. Could Eggers truly be as nice a guy as he's portrayed?

If Eggers were so great, he'd come on here to explain or defend that essay, which came straight out of McSweeney's Headquarters on Valencia Street.

Notice one curious thing. In his entire career as a writer and publisher, Dave Eggers has endured not one tough interview. (He is, in fact, notorious for his intolerance of criticism.) If there's been one such encounter, please let me know. I can't find it. Only the usual puffy gushy puff pieces from sycophantic mock-journalists about how great he is.

In his career, from what I can find, Dave Eggers has never engaged in an open freewheeling debate, not offline or on. The great mind, the genius behind McSweeney's, has never exposed that mind to the buffets of dissent and free speech.

Why not?

Here's his chance to remedy that. To assure us of his greatness. Come onto this humble blog, Mr. Eggers, or one of my other blogs. Let readers know about the thinking behind your renewed attack on the ULA. Defend the Bissell essay. Expose yourself to free speech and free thinking.

Don't let your fans suspect the p.r. greatness is simply stage scenery.

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